Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and i wanted to let everyone know that me and david and the girls will be movin back to Va in Feb so everyone please be prayin for us that we'll find jobs and a nice place to live.


To all my family and friends, I wish you the very best of everything for 2010. My your journey be blessed with family and friends to love and cherish, a good job that pays well and that you enjoy going to, a safe house to stay warm and dry in and many good nights of sleep. May your table be filled with plenty of food and drinks and may you feel the blessing and peace that only come from knowing the Lord. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Love to all, Edith Ann

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our Christmas

The girls got bikes from santa this year. They had presents from us they already knew about but the bikes had been at there popa's for a good month. On Christmas Eve Garrett went and picked them up and put them in our closet. We put them around the tree at about 12am. That morning when Fallen woke she ran to my room she said "Moma I aked for a bike and santa brought me one and he ate all the cookies and drank all the milk!" It was so cool! It's moments like that that i live for. This year is the 1st year they were old enought to care about santa. I hope i can create that magic again for them next year as well. I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and i pray you have a blessd New Yerar.