Saturday, March 28, 2009


aunt bea said...

Edie, where is the Sunday School lesson that you usually share. I really enjoy them , and miss them when they are not there. Lately I have been in so much pain that I didn't go on the computer for several weeks, but when I do go on I always look for them. I really get such a blessing and such a different view, and insight into the word reading them.

Anonymous said...

I guess since no comments were made to add to the discussion I figured most people had stopped reading them. I guess I did not stay focused on sharing God's word. We have been
studying the writings of Paul. I will try to get the last lesson on soon. Tonight I have to get some tax papers done and get them ready to go.
I am glad you have enjoyed my ramblings. Love and prayer, Edith

Madeline said...

Aunt Bee Im with you i get a blessing from Edith Ann's Testmonties & Sunday school Lesson you call her Edie but she is my little Edith Ann .sorry about your pain Aunt Bee i will pray that God will touch you & remove the pain I work so i don't hurt i pray for God to get me through ea. day & GOD is good as his word .Sis though flowers are pretty they look so heathy the pink one you was talking about didn't look like a dafadel it's leaves look different LOVE YOU Madeline

Madeline said...

Do you have any Tulopes ? I use to have some at my trailer.Allen doesn't want flowers in ther yard where he has to mow the grass They don't have much's got a big pool & the kid's ride there 4 Wheelers & bikes & he parkes the Boat.LOVE YA Madeline