Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Name this flower?

My dad had these flowers growing along his driveway and they smelled wonderful. The bees and butterflies were in heaven. Does anyone know what they are called? I was going to post a video of Madeline and Sharon at the Sock Hop but I accidently saved it to a jpeg image and it is gone. But the good news is that I found my mistake and didn't do the same thing to my vacation pics I just took this weekend. You saved my memories Aunt Edith by inviting me to post on the blog Sunday - thanks.


aunt bea said...

Hi Laura, It's been a long time since I've heard from you. I don't know what the flower is called, but it looks the flower pod that come on a poke stalk after it has gone to seed. I bet May or Edith will know for sure though. How is all your family doing? How is your husband and baby doing? I'll bet she is about ready for school now isn't she. Well I'll go for this time I would love to see you best wishes always. Love Ya, Aunt Bea

Aunt May said...

hi that bloom kinda looks like milk weed break off a leaf or something and there is a tacky substance comes out that looks like milk then that is what it is. love you
aunt may

Laura said...

Thanks Aunt May, that is exactly what it is. I couldn't do the test you suggested, as dad is living in Tanner, WV and I'm in VA but I did a search on google and was able to see what "milkweed" looked like. I learned two things tonight. Besides identifying milkweed, I identified a weird bug that was getting nectar along with the butterflies. It was some kind of hummingbird moth - a strange bee looking thing.

Anonymous said...

I guess I should have been on earlier in the week, I would have guessed Milk Weed or Hollow Joe Pye Weed which is sometimes confused for milk weed. I noticed along my creek bank I have Milk weed in bloom, too. Right now I mainly have Black-eyed-Susan, Magic Lillies,and purple Cone Flowers. We will talk again soon.