Thursday, December 24, 2009


Wishing everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR I have to work on CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS DAY so I thought I would wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS before I have to go too work. Enjoy your family and friends don't get to merry.



Madeline said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year's to you to Sis I had to work Christmas day and Connie had to work Christmas day to so she had us all up to her house for Christmas Eve she cooked us a realy good meal and give us a gift I'm off work New year's day unless I get called in. I'm sending My Love and Prayers Madeline

Madeline said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year's to you to Sis I had to work Christmas day and Connie had to work Christmas day to so she had us all up to her house for Christmas Eve she cooked us a realy good meal and give us a gift I'm off work New year's day unless I get called in. I'm sending My Love and Prayers Madeline

Anonymous said...

Hey Darlene, Did Santa drop off that new camera? Since you were not being "good" while Santa was watching. I hope you got everything you asked Santa for and then some more extra. I had a great Christmas, my kids were home, we had great food, too many sweet treats especially Candied Pecans and peanut butter balls. We had Ham, pork roast, Prime Rib and Turkey, I guess all we needed was some deer steak. It was all good, we are very blessed. Love ya, Ann