Thursday, November 5, 2009

The party is KEvin's 10 Birthday Sept. 29
The campout is Chloe And Evelyn in my living room.
Paul&Nora about 2 weeks back
Kevin & Zack And Eveyln on Hallween


Anonymous said...

Cute goblins!!! I am glad to see Paul and Nora too. I have been praying for God to show her mercy in her journey. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Edith

Madeline said...

Thankes for sharing the pictures how is Nora doing? i send my Prayersfor her. them are cute Spookes you have there. the campers puts me in the mine of my Grandkids. they camped out in there swimming Pool after Allen & Freman draned the water out & cleaned it up for winter. keep us posted we are miles away but i thank God for Edith Ann's hard work getting us to share our Familey's on the blog i work most of the time but i look forward to seeing who putes there pictures or commentes on the blog i get to feel like they come to viset with me this way we can see how the kids growed up to be beautful boyes & girles.I'm sending my prayers & love to you all Madeline