Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lots of Christmas Cards

I have a myspace and this was in a post so i thought i would post it everywhere. I know we are a family that loves to spread joy and it will only cost you around $1.50 if even that. Please make this little boys day and send him a card.

A 5yr old boy named Noah Biorkman , is in the last stages of a 2 1/2yr. battle with Neuroblastoma Cancer. The family is celebrating Christmas next week and Noah's request is to get lots of Christmas cards..Lets get him some : Please send cards to: Noah Biorkman c/o Scott Biorkman 3480 Petroskey Way Milford Mi 48380 : You can see a video on Snopes.com


Laura said...

The link doesn't take you to the video. Here is one that should

Madeline said...

Laura the comment page blocked some of the email address what was after index. thank you Madeline