Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just to Share with you...

Cabela at the Danville Science Museum.

Fallen taking a walk by the pond.

Fallen on a log that was in the Smith River.

Cabela's turn

Granny asked me to pst this one. This is at my house. This is what we do when we all get together. We play with our silly Granny. I believe this was Cindy's idea. She had just got done at Cheerleading camp and wanted to try this out.


Madeline said...

Chastity you didn,t tell who the man on the log is our family doesn,t know him.but it is plain to see the gils is happy with him.Love Granny

Chastity said...

The Man on the log is My husbands dad. The girl's Popa whom they love very much and whom spoils them with whatever they want. He has them so rotten.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good day of fun for everyone. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Love Aunt Ann

johnie said...

you all look like your having alot of fun .thats what its all about love you

Laura said...

Wow, being a granny looks like hard work! Wished mine were closer :(

Vickie Sorrell said...

Madeline your family is growing up fast. Any up dates on Freman? The nurses at work ask about him all the time. The hospital still remembers Shirdon and Freman well. I think they will both go down in CAMC history. Ha Ha
I miss you all come to WV soon.

Madeline said...

Laura been a Granny is not hard for me i can't wait to get these kid's ever other week end we have fun. little noisie but i don't here well any way so it doesn't bother me it just drives there Nanna & Mommy crazy the gires get excied & do all that screming.I'm glade you liked the pictures.we got more for you. Love & Prayers Madeline Vickie I'm stile going to fix up though thanke you cardes i lost the list of everybody & i haven't had time to look very hard. Freman is doing good eating good & gaining weight & they findly got his medc. up so he doesn't take any more sizures. we hope to see you soon.sending my Love & prayers Madeline

Madeline said...

ULaura I wished you could get to spend time with your grandkid's i feel lke you would realy have a blast with them i hope Katie can camecord them saying there off of the wall stuff so you don't miss to much.I hope to see you soon sending my prayers & Love Aunt Madeline

Madeline said...

Laura I didn't put that U in front of your name on the other comment the computer did that & i don't know how to go back & get it off SORRY Aunt Madeline