Sunday, April 19, 2009


We had a good lesson today about the threat of false teachers. The lesson is from 2 Peter 2: 1-3 NIV During the Old Testament time God warned the people of Israel to be on guard against false prophets just like in todays church there will be false teachers. We can guard against false teachers by knowing the truth and know the Word, check out teachers by looking at their christian walk and the "fruit" they bear, stay grounded in your faith and let the Holy Spirit lead you. False teachers may be very good speaker and they may even say some things that are the truth but when they add or take away from the truth of God's Word , be careful in what you take as the gospel. Look it up for yourself and the Holy Spirit will give you insight and direction. Peter warns of what will happen to false teachers just like the angels when they sinned they were cast into hell, ungodly people were destroyed by the Great Flood but Noah and seven members of his family were protected. He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire because of sexual immorality. The false teachers had twisted the truth and were judged. Lot was rescued by God because he was called to live a righteous life even among many that were ungodly. Many will speak of freedom but we can only be free when we give up our "self" will and live in God's will. We will never be truly free until God is in control of our lives, God will protect us. We will be held accountable for our actions. God gave man free will and we have to make Godly choices not choices based on the lustful desires of sinful human nature.


aunt bea said...

I enjoyed the message very much, it shows me just how important it is to be vigilant when listening to others speak about the bible. We have to make sure that what they are telling us coralates with what the bible says.

Aunt May said...

that is why the bible says to hold firm in that which you believe. you just cant listen to everyone that has an opinion. it also says if you like wisdom and knowledge ask the father he will give you the right answers. enjoyied the lesson and the flowers. thanks

Madeline said...

Thanks for the lesson sis it was a blessing. Love You Madeline