Saturday, January 31, 2009


School has been closed all week and it has been a booger getting to work and back home each evening but I think God has painted us a beautiful picture with the snow and ice. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed taking these pictures. Love and prayers for everyone . EDith


Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the cross in the trees (the way the sun was shining through the trees)? I thought that was pretty neat, I did not see that when I was taking the pictures....

Anonymous said...

On the picture of the ice covered branches, that is my tulip tree and the little green thing enclosed in ice is the buds that should be blooming the end of March or the first of April. I thought that was a pretty neat picture, can you see the icy detail?

aunt bea said...

The pics are all truely amazing especially the one with the cross in the branches. I didn't notice the buds enclosed in the ice I'll look closer when I switch back over. It never ceases to amaze me at Gods handy work. Keep up the great work Edie I really enjoy all the pictures so much. Love and prayers, Always Aunt Bea

Madeline said...

The snow & Ice is pretty on the trees. Yes i saw the cross shining through the trees i miss having snow here in Va. we don't get much snow.