Saturday, February 4, 2012

Baby Jack's new shoes

Went shoe shopping today. These are for our grandson, Jack. They are some tiny cowboy boots and his first pair Nike. This is so much fun, can't wait to see his beautiful face.


Anonymous said...

The foot part is only about 3 inches long, they are so cute. Can't wait to see him wearing his fly treads.

darlene cottrell said...

I love the boots and shoes.
When is he due?
Make sure you send us lots of pictures when he arrives.


Anonymous said...

Yes the cowboy boots are a hit, Mom saw them and even commented about how cute they are.

aunt bea said...

They are just to cute for words. I just can't wait to see him wearing them. Are you going to or have you already gotten him a cowboy outfit to wear with them? I want to see plenty of pics of him from the time he enters this world on, at least 5 a day no less. XXXXOOOLove Ya Bunches, Aunt Bea