Friday, January 27, 2012

Thank you for being a friend!

A person can hear, but a friend listens for the meaning.
A person can look, but a friend sees your heart.
A person can know, but a friend understands your dreams.
Thanks for listening, seeing, and understanding!
Thanks for being my friend!

I read this today and it spoke to me, I hope you like it too.

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times.


Aunt May said...

i am proud to be your friend. if you can't be a frien all the time then are not much of a frien at all. love you

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Aunt May, you are a very special friend to me. You listen to me, you encourage me, you have cried with me and laughed with me. You have prayed for me and with me. I know you realize how important you are in my life. I love you this much (((((((( HUG ))))))))

aunt bea said...

Great thought I hope that I can always be a good friend. I don't always listen with my heart or even see with it either. I suppose everyone can stand to be a little better person as well as a better friend.