Friday, December 30, 2011


As this year comes to an end I just wanted to say it has been a rough year in many ways, the loss of Wilma Hoosier and Prather Osborne and our dear dog, Chance. We have been blessed by the birth of Cameron Osborne last December 6th, Shawn David on January 21, Aniyah on February 17th, Lucas Joyce on March 28th and KC Gibson on June 8. We also gained Natasha Osborne when she married Michael Osborne on March 5. We continue to grow as we welcome a new baby boy for LeAnn and Justin, a new great grandchild for Aunt Bea and a new great grandchild for my sister Norma. Norma would be so happy to get another baby to love. We should look at 2012 as a year of opportunity and we should take the opportunity to make our family a place of peace and happiness, joy and laughter. I pray God will pour His blessings on each and every one of you and you feel the peace that knowing God personally will bring. Happy New Year and expect many blessings in the coming year.


Aunt May said...

i did not realize we had such an increase in the family. probably more that we dont know about. the most we hear about is sylvias family.

Anonymous said...

That is why everyone should post information or at least let someone know, so they can be included.

aunt bea said...

Which one of Norma's kids is going to have a baby? I guess I'm probably the only one who doesn't know, but share the news anyway.

Anonymous said...

It is not Norma's child but her grand-daughter Amber. Norma's daughter, Laura will be the grandma. Amber seems to be happy and the baby is due the first part of July.

Madeline said...

Aunt May Mom has a lot more kids thats why u here more on Mom's family I'm so Greatful to have u AuntBea Uncle Chester & Uncle Hansford As my Family. I Love all my Brothers & Sisters I hope to see everyone soon