Sunday, April 17, 2011

I could never find the time

I knelt to pray but not for long, I had too much to do. I had to hurry and get to work for bills would soon be due. So I knelt and said a hurried prayer and jumped up from my knees. My Christian duty was now done, my soul could rest at ease. All day long I had no time to spread a word of cheer, no time to speak of Christ to friends. They would laugh at me I'd fear. No time, no time, too much to do, that was my constant cry. No time to give to souls in need but at last the time to die. I went before the Lord. I came, I stood with downcast eyes, for in his hands God held held a book; It was the Book of Life. God looked into his book and said" Your name I can not find, I once was going to write it down but never found the time." This poem was sent to me from my brother Dean and he asked me to post it on the Blog for him. With love from Dean to his family.


freda said...

Ann IM so glad that you shared Deans poem with the rest of us I LOVE andMISS him very much But one of these days he will be back with us and we can have him a BIG PARTY LIES put him in there But LOVE and PRAYERS will bring him back to the ones that truly LOVE him GOD wont let them keep lying one day they will get there just punishment Because my GOD HATES A LIER

Aunt May said...

thanks for sharing the poem. we all need to talk more with god but some times it seems i talk to him to much seems i am always asking him for something or thanking him for a prayer answered it seems he has done so much for me i wonder if he ever gets tired of listening to all of my requests and complaints i still talk to him he is the only one you can really depend on to take care of anything.

aunt bea said...

Ann, thanks so much for sharing the poem I had heard it before, but it never hurts to read it again. I suppose that we all put off doing things like writing a letter or making a call to someone that we care about, and I hope that God doesn't hold it against us who have been neglectful of others. Maybe soon I will get that much neglect letter wrote for I have two nephews that are incarcerated and have no other way of communicating with other but thru mail or a visit. The bible say when we do these thing to one of the brethren we do it unto him. If we want to please
Christ we have to minister unto those that don't have food, water, clothing, family, or those that are in prison we have to see to their needs. I hope that I get better about doing what God wants me to regardless of what man may think about me for doing it, because it is God that I want to please not man.