Monday, February 14, 2011


A recent sermon about Love. The scripture was from John 13: 34-35 and John 15: 12-13. We are commanded to Love the Lord, Love one another and Love our enemies. We are to Love the person because they are a creation of God, we do not have to love their ways, no matter how evil, vile or destructive they are. When we love someone else we deny our self on behalf of someone else. When we pattern our life after Jesus we gain happiness, salvation, and redemption; all are the results of genuine sacrificial love. Do people know that you are a follower of Jesus? Do people know that you are born again and you are a new person when you are saved? A distinguishing mark of who you are should be your loving manner if you are a follower of Jesus because Jesus is Love. We should love selflessly-a love that is not about yourself but the other person, you may suffer when you love selflessly. We should love understandingly- love with an understanding of the emotional make up of that person. We should have personal interpretation of the person and love affectionately, thoughtfully and in an understanding manner. With true love we see the person they really are and we love them anyway, for better or worse. We should love forgivingly- God has forgiven us continually, so should we. We should love sacrificially- We deny our self to show love to the other person. To surrender yourself for the sake of someone else. We should be willing to “lay down our life” for the other person. An example of this love is a soldier, a police officer, a fireman, a care giver, a mother and for marriage( for the commitment you make to each other you give totally to the other person) Give your love wisely, give love sacrificially and desire to give to the other person. You may go through a season in your marriage that seems you are the giver and the other person only takes but because of the commitment you made to that person as God as your witness you continue to give 100 % . Jesus was atoning love so we could have salvation and eternal life. Do you love as we are commanded to love as Jesus first loved us?


Chastity said...

Hi Sis
thank you for the message on L-O-V-E I understand L-O-V-E & see it the way you explained it & yes i show my love & I get to see Smiles on faces of toltal strangers Gods LOVE feels so good it feels good to tell other people about JESUS he is the reason we can LOVE & Im not bragging my LOVE must show i got suprised 1 day i was walking down the hall & a little Lady in wheel chair looked up at me & asked me to pray for her most of the time i would say ok i sure will but that day God lead me in a different driction i bent down put my armes around her shoulder & prayed i didnt care who heard & i know God touched her i felt Gods holy spiret flow threw me from top of head to bottom of my feet so i got a blessing to & the little lady started praising & thanking God every time i see her she tells me im so sweet when we have Gods LOVE it really makes a
differentes I LOVE You SIS Allen findly got my computer fixed so you will be hereing from me more.

Chastity said...


Anonymous said...

You can always pick a new password and start fresh. Glad to see you on here. Love you, Ann

aunt bea said...

The message was great, I know that I don't love people the way that Jesus loves me. When I mess up he forgives me and gives me another chance on the other hand when those that I care about mess up I'm very reluctant to forgive and give them another chance. How very dissapointed he must be in me. Jesus said we were to forgive our fellow man 490 times a day for the same offence if necessary. I find it difficult to forgive an offence once a day. I really need a lot of prayers that the Lord will help me to change. Everyone that know how to get ahold of the Lord keep me in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Bea I think if we are honest we all need help in the forgiveness area of of life. We are all sinners and fall short but thankfully Jesus still loves us and forgives us when we bring it to him and ask to be forgiven.

Aunt May said...

well god is love so how can we say we are achristian if we dont love everybody we may not like things they do but we must love the person god is love so we must love to. the bible sais to love your neighbor as yourself. so if we dont love our neighbor then we dont love god. to love your enemies and pray for them that despitefully use you.