This is a recent sermon I heard and I wanted to share it will anyone that was willing to listen with their heart.
The truth is found in the Bible, the same truth that was 1000 years ago can be found in the Bible today. It is the Living Word of God. God blesses us so we can be a blessing to others. We can pass God’s blessings by praying for God’s blessings, pray to God to meet a need, pray for happiness, pray for joy, pray for kindness, and when we are blessed we should share the blessings with others.
God saves us to keep sin from destroying us. God saves us to confirm that we are His child. God saves us by Grace. God saves us to bring glory, so we can do His work here on earth. Be a servant and pass God’s blessings to others. When Jesus walked this earth, He first met the needs; He fed the hungry, He healed the sick, He forgave them when they came to Him and truly repented of their sins, Jesus comforted them and assured his followers of a better life. The troubled He gave them peace. When He saw a need He met the need( not want but need). When we have a passion for something we will serve. God said to be kind to others, offer forgiveness and kindness to others, even the ones that don’t seem to deserve our love and forgiveness. By offering forgiveness we free ourselves to love and be a servant of God.
that was a good sermon. but it seems that there is not much forgiveness seems like when someone is down they just want to keep them down. seams like ther is no forgivness any more but if god can forgive us our sins why cant we forgive others jesus told peter to gorgive 70 times 7 a day but i am shure we dont have that many trespasses against us a day.
Yor're right, but it is just human nature to hold onto things. If God held onto things like we do we would all be hell bound, because without forgiveness we all would perish. I pray that I will become more forgiving, because the bible say that if we don't forgive others we will not be forgiven ourselves.
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