Our son, Christopher Shawn holding his son, Shawn David. He was born 1/21/11 , 5 lbs 2 oz and 18 1/2 inches, He is just a little guy, he came 3 weeks early but by the grace of God he seems fine.
Shawn you no longer have a life it is all about baby Shawn David. Enjoy every minute he will grow fast. There is no more pure love that that between a baby and his new parents. God Bless your new Family. Aunt Vickie
welcome to the world of grandparents that little guy will steal your heart before you know it
Shawn you no longer have a life it is all about baby Shawn David. Enjoy every minute he will grow fast. There is no more pure love that that between a baby and his new parents.
God Bless your new Family.
Aunt Vickie
He is so precious, he looks a lot like Shawn. That hair is Shawn up and down, I'll bet he is so proud of him.
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