Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy 27th Birthday

Chastity in Kg
Freman & his baby. where does the time go.
HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY Baby hope it was a good one.
Love you MOM


Chastity said...

Why, thank you. That picture was the last thing i expected to see on here. love you, mom.

Anonymous said...

You were so darn cute back then and still are. Do you see where Fallen and Cabela get their looks? Freeman looks so happy with you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I LOOOOVE
YOUUUUU!!!!!. Aunt Ann

Connie (Osborne) Mills said...

Well baby you are most welcome this is one of my favorite pictures of you so get over it.

aunt bea said...

Happy Birthday Chasity, and may you have many more. I hope that this birthday is the happiest ever. May God keep you always Love Ya, Aunt Bea

Chastity said...

Thank you, Aunt Bea! It was pretty great. So many people remembered. I dont need much for it to be a great birthday, just for people to wish me Happy Birthday and I believe at least 60 people remembered...It was so nice and the hubby made it extremly wonderful. He bought me a cake. Then he took the girls to get me a present from them which ended up being two toy pink phones. I told them what i wanted for my birthday present was for them to have the phones they had asked me for 2weeks prior and i didnt have the money to get them then and they acted so good about it and i wanted themm to have them for my birthday. They loved that! Garrett took me to lunch and bought me a necklace locket...he's pretty great and he made me feel so special cuz to me it's no big deal just another day for me to get old but, I let them pamper me if they want...I wont complain...hehehe!

Vickie Sorrell said...

You deserve all the pampering you get alkways remember that. I love the pics your Mom has been sharing with us. The Happiest of Birthdays. I want to tell you how very proud I am of you for starting College. I hear your grades are all A's. I can only smile when I hear great test scores from your Grannie. Give my love to the girls. You girls keep studying together. Tell Garrett he is a great guy for taking such good care of you. Hope to see you all soon.
Love ya
Great Aunt Vickie