Sunday, January 10, 2010


aunt bea said...

I enjoyed the pictures so much, I hope that you post some more of them. For some of us this is as close as we will ever come to seeing places like these. It looked like you were both getting some much needed rest. I hope that you both get to take some mini vacations now and then so you don't get so exausted again. Life is to short so make the most of it. Love, Aunt Bea

Madeline said...

I enjoyed the pictures I'm with Aunt Bee this is as close as we will get to seeing places like this.Connie haves some pretty pictures of her & Michaels vac.I will ask her to post some of them. Ann do you thank we to old to go to places like this I wouldn't know how to act if I got to on a this. I send my love & prayers Madeline

Anonymous said...

Well I guess I am going to find out how to act because me and LeAnn are going on vacation together. The boys will be in charge on the home front. I hope to make decisions like the ocean or the pool and room service or get dressed and go out to eat.I will remind LeAnn to turn over and she can remind me so we won't get burned just lightly browned. I can't wait to have her all to myself and not a care in the world. My passport hasn't come back yet but after I get it we will be flying to a sunny location.