Monday, September 21, 2009

Nora cancer is her spine now as well as the left lung. When she was born she was premature And has always had lung promblems. She was send home on hospice. Continue your Prays for the hold family. Her Daughter is Pregant Due in April. God Bless


Anonymous said...

Through all these days, the difficult days ahead with Nora and the baby that will come in April 2010, God is in control of all these things. He knew the baby even before its Mom and Dad knew about it and he knows the appointed time for Nora. Hold on to God's mighty hand for your strength. You continue to be in my prayers. Edith

Madeline said...

uneriNaomie thankes for the up date.I will pray for the family. tell Paul I'm sorry i didn't know him we road the elavor up I stoped in at the Logan hospital to see Aunt Dorthy's daughter Audry Aug.1-09 it was on a Sat.then me and my brother Shurden headed back to Glenvill I had spent 2 weekes at Davin,W.Va. making sure Freman's dad could take care of him after his surgery.when i saw the picture of Paul he even had that same shirt on when i saw him. May God be with all of you I send my Love and Prayers Aunt Madeline

Naomi said...

Hi Madline I did'nt know Audery was in the Hosp. Is she O.K. now.
I live right below Logan about 3 miles.

Anonymous said...

Naomi, I talked to Sharon Warner, Audrey's sister and she said she is much improved but is still off on medical leave. She had a blood clot so she will continue to follow up with her doctors.