Sunday, August 23, 2009

family pictures


Anonymous said...

Naomi, thanks for sharing the pictures of your family with the rest of us. Your grandchildren are growing up fast, but I know it doesn't take long for them to grow up and you wonder where the time went. Is there any updates on Nora? I continue to lift her up in prayer and the family to help her get through this difficult time.

Naomi said...

Yes you are Right Bernies oldest started 5 grade to day .

They put Nora on Morphine pill ever 12 hours dalotta In between.
A'm not sure if I spelled that correctly

Our reuion is Sept. 12 at the Lincoln Co recreational area

Madeline said...

Naomi thank you for the Family pictures it's so good to have the Blog Thanks to Ann for starting the Belog so our Faimly can share pictures & keep in touch with family I send my prayers & Love to you all Aunt Madeline

Madeline said...
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