Thursday, June 25, 2009

Update on Freman and his cards

I wanted to up date everyone on Freman because he is getting about 6-8 cards a day. He sits in the middle of the bed to have his Mom read the cards to him. Again today he told me Alan took him out on the boat to fish. He loves going with his big brother to fish and be on the boat. He will not be able to go out on the boat for a while after his surgery.
Madeline and Freman will return to Freda's house on Sunday in Wyoming county. They will travel to Charleston on the 30th to have his Pre Admission testing done and then surgery on July 2. I talk with him and Madeline almost every day and each day he ask if today is the day? We have a count down going to surgery day only 7 days to go. I have never seen anyone so ready to have surgery. He knows he will feel so much better once it is complete.
Keep those cards and prayers coming. I love you Madeline and Freman.

1 comment:

aunt bea said...

I haven't gotten my card out yet, but I'm hopeing to get it tomorrow it being in the Lords will. I hope his surgery will go well and his recovery will be swift. I love you both very much. Love And Prayers, Aunt Bea