Monday, June 29, 2009


Hey Katie and David happy 3rd anniversary. You are still on your honeymoon kids!!! On the 1st of July will be Naomi and Sydney Maynard's anniversary. On the 2nd Cindy Lou Osborne ( Allen and Kim's daughter) birthday. On the 3rd Jennifer Davis and the 4th Lora Ward and Ronald Lee Osborne birthday. The 12th of July will mark the one year anniversary of Darlene and Wayne Cottrell. Congratulations and happy birthday wishes for all of you.


aunt bea said...

Happy Anniversary Katie & David I hope that you have sixty more just as happy as the three you have already celebrated. Love & Best Wishes Always For A Wonderful Future, Aunt Bea

aunt bea said...

Happy Birthdays & Anniversaries To Everyone Else Celebrating This Month. Love, Aunt Bea

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Some more celebrations for July are Jennifer Maynard on the 6th, Dorothy Hager on the 7th, Angela Gibson on the 9th, Melinda Blankenship and Ady Gibson on the 10th, Jim Weathersbee and Christopher Bailey on the 11th, DEbra Warner on the 16th and Paul Wolfe on the 19th and then on the 22nd Shirley and Paul's anniversary and Dorothy Hoosier birthday, and on the 25th Daniel Hoosier and Madeline McCune birthday, on the 27th Brice Baisden, Courtney Gibson and Michael Maynard birthday. The 29th is Chuck and Jennifer Davis anniversary and 30th Melinda Wolfe-Hall birthday and to round out the month on the 31st Ernest Marcum and Raelee Marie Lilly. July is a big month...