Friday, April 24, 2009

On April 26th 2008 LeAnn Brooke Lemon married Justin Bennett. Happy Anniversary, one year already!!!
I hope you enjoy many many wonderful years together as you make your journey together. Just remember to laugh often and keep talking to each other. Just remember how happy you were this moment in time.


Sunday, April 19, 2009


We had a good lesson today about the threat of false teachers. The lesson is from 2 Peter 2: 1-3 NIV During the Old Testament time God warned the people of Israel to be on guard against false prophets just like in todays church there will be false teachers. We can guard against false teachers by knowing the truth and know the Word, check out teachers by looking at their christian walk and the "fruit" they bear, stay grounded in your faith and let the Holy Spirit lead you. False teachers may be very good speaker and they may even say some things that are the truth but when they add or take away from the truth of God's Word , be careful in what you take as the gospel. Look it up for yourself and the Holy Spirit will give you insight and direction. Peter warns of what will happen to false teachers just like the angels when they sinned they were cast into hell, ungodly people were destroyed by the Great Flood but Noah and seven members of his family were protected. He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire because of sexual immorality. The false teachers had twisted the truth and were judged. Lot was rescued by God because he was called to live a righteous life even among many that were ungodly. Many will speak of freedom but we can only be free when we give up our "self" will and live in God's will. We will never be truly free until God is in control of our lives, God will protect us. We will be held accountable for our actions. God gave man free will and we have to make Godly choices not choices based on the lustful desires of sinful human nature.

Edie's garden in April

These are the first signs of spring when my Jack-in-the-Pulpit shows its head and then will quickly grow. It doesn't do much but I find it very interesting. This is a giant version of Jack and in the lower pictures you will see a native version of Jack, he is much smaller but just as interesting. Then the Trout lily with the green specks on the purple leaves that bloom a bright yellow flower and they spread like crazy. The purple flowers are a ground cover and the little flowers that look like daffodils are Petite Daffodils, I have the yellow and white and yellow, but I have seen other colors too.

Edie's garden


One year ago today Melissa Ball and Stanley Mitchell were married. Congratulations on your first year and may God bless your marriage with several more years together. Remember that love is not so much a feeling but a commitment to each other through the best of days and more important the worst of times. Commit to a long and loving relationship. Love ya , Aunt Ann

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Matthew Duane Osborne

Happy 26th Birthday Chastity

All the children looking for
Easter Eggs.

Madeline with all her children,
grandchildren, great grandchildren &
1 extra child haha.
Allen, Freman, Adam & Brianna,
Kelly & Gage, Chastity, Garrett, & Michael
Kim, Chris, Madeline, Cindy,Connie, Cabela,
Fallen, Sarah & the extra child is Kim's nephew

Michael cooking on the grill.

Chastity blowing out her candles

we had a great day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Thursday, April 9, 2009

From Tx

Well everyone, I'm leavin tonight/tomorrow for home!! I'll be there for the next month and can't wait to be there. Please pray for our safe travel to and fro. Til next time, Katie and Fam

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It is amazing the first pictures of Matthew and now Matthew is here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Matthew Duane Osborne son of Johnie and Marian Osborne arrived by C-section on 4-8-09 just after midnight. He weighed 4 pounds and 4 ounces and 17 3/4 inches long. He was welcomed by his grandmothers and Aunt Vickie and Aunt Darlene in Morgantown, WV. Look at this picture and believe in miracles. God is in control. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


As we approach the Easter season we have been studying the writings of Peter. The lesson is from 1 Peter 5: 1-4 and 2 Peter 1:3-11. Peter was unusual in his writings because Peter viewed Jesus' life through his eyewitness account of Christ's ministry, he witnessed Jesus death, burial and resurrection. Peter was calling upon the church to be humble and desire to do God's will, be eager to serve God and lead by example not by force. When we are saved by Faith we are given the Holy Spirit to give us direction and protection. We put on the armour of God and willingly submit to His authority and humble ourselves to be a servant just as Christ served. While we serve and trust in the Lord we should also be alert and guard against the devil ready to devour the believers. The lessons states the devil will prowl like a lion looking for someone to devour. Don't be controlled by fear and anxiety, don't be controlled by your circumstances. Resist the devil by standing firm in the Faith. Peter writes " His divine power has given us everything we need" that is the Holy Spirit and the life that lives within us delivers the Christian from the bondage of sin. Peter tells us that by Faith we are saved and by God's grace we grow. The spiritual growth we should strive for is Faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance( the ability to stand firm under adversity), godliness ( having an attitude of reverence toward God), brotherly kindness ( concern for others), and love or charity toward others. Failure to grow will make us ineffective. WE have a choice to stay a spiritual infant or grow to Christian maturity. We grow in grace and knowledge and our heart should be a reflection of our growth. We should strive to remain firm in the truth of God's word and always move forward in your walk with Christ. Salvation is not a promise of a better future but a call to live God's purpose for your life. Did you know that heaven will not be filled with "good" people but with " FORGIVEN"
people. Heaven awaits all that have Faith and accept His free gift. Celebrate, He is alive!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Edie's garden

Here are some pictures of my winter pansies and Azalea bush blooming. Can you see the bee that was getting lunch? Enjoy!

Edie's garden

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well Aunt Bea, Here are some more flower pictures. Me and Mark took a couple days off to get some things done here at the house and we worked almost 8 hours today cleaning up leaves, picking up sticks, and cutting up branches that had fallen from trees during the high winds we have been having. I got sun burned today April 2nd can you believe that??? If we don't get rained out we are back at it again tomorrow. Mark was hoping to mow this week end but I think it is still too wet, we will see. I know we will not mow next week end because we are going to visit LeAnn and Justin. She is on call but maybe Saturday night won't be too hard on her so she can be awake when we are there. Enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy them and taking pictures of them. Love and prayers, Edith PS Madeline called requesting prayer for Sarah's boyfriend, he was in a bad car wreck on Saturday and is critical. Her main concern is his salvation. Please pray.