Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday School lesson February 22

This lesson is taken from Matthew 26:36-46 NIV Bible. We find Jesus on Thursday, he has just had The Last Supper with the disciples, now only 11 because Judas has left the upper room. Jesus took the 11 disciples to a quiet place called Gethsemane and told them to sit for a while because he needed to pray. He took Peter, James and John with Him, He sought companionship and support, He needed them to pray and support him; he was sorrowful and troubled( note the human aspect of Jesus he felt joy, pain, anger and sorrow just like us) He asked the three to stay here and keep watch( note these were the same three disciples that witnessed the transfigured state of Jesus a few lessons back). He went a little farther and fell with His face to the ground and prayed" My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." The cup that he is talking about is the separation from God, His Father, and the isolation from His Father. Jesus defeated Satan in the garden when he made the decision to move forward. He knew he faced the physical pain of crucifixion, but he also knew on the cross he would bear the sins of the World. He returned to the disciples and found them sleeping! When we don't read God's word we are also guilty of "sleeping" We must watch and pray so we do not fall into temptation, because our body is weak. Jesus prayed the same prayer 3 times and 3 times he found His disciples sleeping, they failed Him in His most desperate hour. God's plan for our salvation went through the cross and The Father enabled Jesus to carry out this plan. Jesus promised " I will never leave you" He is always there for us if we accept the free gift of salvation
that He paid in full by going to the cross. No one took Jesus' life from Him, He laid it down in obedience to His Father's command. Are you willing to be obedient?


Anonymous said...

To all the readers of this Blog, please feel free to share your Bible study with us. We can all learn from each other in this journey. I am not a teacher but I try to give a summary of what I take away from our lessons each week. Maybe you have more insight into these lessons, please feel free to add your thoughts, maybe it will prompt someone to pick up their Bible and read for their self and maybe something will be revealed to them that was not covered in our study. Prayer and love, Edith

aunt bea said...

I enjoy the lessons you post so much, please continue to do so. I'm sure if others would join the discussions we would all benifit. It's through shareing that we can all grow stronger in the Lord.

Aunt May said...

we all sleep when we dont read our bible and pray as we should. and dont help people that are in need. it seems like jesus was in need of support when he aske the deciples to stay there while he prayed. of course that is a diffrent kind of need than what i am talking about but sonetimes that is mostley what people are in need of sometimes if they will ask for prayer the lord will work out their problems for them. you know he has an abundent supply of what ever we need and he said we have not because we ask not. he knows our needs but we need to ask to recieve.

Madeline said...

Sis i like the line if we don't read God's word we are also guilty of sleeping and we end up been tempted . i try to read God's word an hr. a day at first i was doing it in evenings but then i ended up getting home late like 11&12 so i would go to bed then i said to myself this ain't wright. you know you said be careful what you pray for you just might get it well you are wright i prayed Lord if you want me to give you an hr.befor i go to work wake me up now mine you that is just what he did 4:o'clock every morning i thought it's not time to get up for work after a couple mornings it dowed on me why i was waking up. i told God if he wanted me to give him an hr. to wake me up and i mean i was wide a wake & you know if you pray & read God's word just an Hr.a day first your day goes much better mine does Thank you i send my love to you all Madeline