Here's what Retta was dressed as for halloween. She was so cute and at first didn't want to dress up. The one were we're walkin down the street we had just passed a hunted house and one of the people dressed up scared her just as my friend was takin the pic.
She sure is a cutie Katie, you really should be so proud of her. How are you and the other little one doing? The time shoud be getting close now. When will your mom, and Lorien be coming down to stay with you and Retta? How is David doing? Is he getting kind of anxious for the baby to get there? Everyone here is doing ok except for Aunt Evylene, she gets weaker all the time, and Aunt May is having some health issues as well. It was so nice to see you posted something. I hope when the new baby gets there that you or your mom one will post a picture of her as well. Love and Prayers to you both
Yeah I am proud of her she is gettin so big. I'm doin well and countin down the days til I have her. Mom and Lorien are goin to be here a few days before Thanksgivin i just hope that i hold out that long. I plan on puttin pics of the new baby up as soon as we get home from the hospital.
Lorien thinks Retta (can't get used to calling her that) is almost as cute as the "piglet". But yaya thinks there is no contest. Now Lorien says there's no contest either. Retta wins!!
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