Sunday, July 27, 2008

Camping trip

Hi everyone, please keep my husband ( Mark) and son (Shawn) in your prayers this week as they travel to Wisconsin to the grand daddy of all air shows. They both love planes and this is kinda a last trip together before he graduates from High School. I pray they have many wonderful memories to cherish as he goes out into this world and that they have safe travel. Shawn declared 12 hours is a long time to drive but loved all that he got to see.


Anonymous said...

Just heard from my boys, they have had a great first day. Got to see a lot of planes and other things. Shawn was getting ready to grill hamburgers for supper. The official grand opening of the air show is tomorrow so I am sure they will be there at the opening gate.

aunt bea said...

Hi Edie, I'm so glad that Mark and Shawn have this time together. I believe it's going to be one of the best memories that thay will have of time spent doing together the one thing they both enjoy so much. How did Shawn's hamburgers turn out? I'll bet they turned out great. I guess I'll go for now talk to you later. By the way the flowers are beautiful especially the Delphenium. As everyone knows purple is my favorite color in everything.

aunt bea said...

Hi Edie, have you heard anything from the boys lately. I bet they are having the time of their lives. What new adventures have they had since the last posting. Are there old as well as new planes on display? Do they get to do anything with the planes besides look at them? I'll bet they will have lots of pictures of everything they have seen when they get back. I would really enjoy seeing them whenever you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

I talked to the boys about 6:00pm here so it would have been 5:00pm where they are. Mark said they walked so much yesterday that his legs felt like jelly so they were going to the Air and Space Museum where they would be in air conditioning and could sit for awhile if he wanted to. Yes, they have seen restored vintage plane and super sonic war planes of today. They are having a great time.

Anonymous said...

Hola Mamacita,

How are you, tell Mark and Shawn that we hope they are having a great time at the airshow. While they are in Wisconsin tell them to tell the Packers to let Bret Favre play Quaterback if he wants to. Tell them to be safe driving back home. LeAnn and I send our love.

Anonymous said...

Just in from the campers, They had a great day. They toured the Glacier Girl and bought T-shirts. Shawn and Mark took a ride and Mark let Shawn pilot. He said they were banking and rolling and had a great ride in the mock up of a" dog fight". Shawn is ready to go back next year!!!

aunt bea said...

Hi Edie, hope the boys are home safe now, and Mark is sleeping confortably in his own bed for a change. I'll bet that both of them are glad to be home again. How is Daddy's little girl(Chelsea) doing since her daddy came home? I'll bet that she was one happy girl to see him. Tell LeAnn and Justin hi for me I love them both dearly. Ill go for now love and prayers, Aunt Bea

Anonymous said...

Aunt Bea, Yes they are home safe and sound. He came home to a dead cell phone, so we had to go check about a new one today. Also my car has some major problems on Friday so we had to take it limping in to the dealership so someone can work on it tomorrow. I think it is electrical because if I turn my signal light on the engine stops and the entire dash board lights are lite up and flashing. Maybe this is my sign to get a new car and stimulate the economy!!!!

aunt bea said...

Hi Edie, sorry that your car is on the fritz. Aunt may told me that the problem with the car was electrical, and that you had gotten it fixed. I'm glad that the boys are home and glad of it. I hope everything else is going well. By the way did you get the truck fixed? Do you have any new flowers blooming? Mom's magic lillies are all up now and ready to bloom. I believe this is going to be the best year ever for them. Have you heard anything from LeAnn and Justin? How are their classes going? Bye for now Love, Aunt Bea

Anonymous said...

Aunt Bea, Yes I got the car fixed and the truck too. Mark asked me to please try to keep from tearing anything else up for a few days. He can't keep up with it all. His cell phone is acting up and I am sure he will end up getting a new one, this one is 3 years old. I talked to LeAnn today, she has been taking call and staying at the hospital. LeAnn and Justin will be home Friday, we are having a picnic at the river Saturday and then we are all heading for Huntington for the Rib Fest. I am not sure when I will get my week end work done but I have found out that if I don't get it done it always waits for me to get back!!!!

aunt bea said...

Hi Edie,You are so right about the work not going any where. As Aunt May says it will be there when we are dead and gone. I hope you all have a good week end, and get some much needed rest. Enjoy the kids and eat some ribs for me. Tell everyone that I said hi and that I love them. I'll see you in the funny papers(ha ha) Love Always, Aunt Bea